CBEST Prep for the CBEST Reading Test

Looking for CBEST prep and information? This site has free prep exercises, as well as test prep information for the exam.

The actual test for reading has 50 multiple choice questions of various types.

  • Click here for information on how to download 3 CBEST Practice Reading Tests.
  • Our CBEST Practice Reading Tests are in the same format as the actual test.
  • Each of our practice tests includes 50 multiple choice questions.

For free test prep and to see free samples from our Reading Practice Tests, please click on the Critical Reading, Context Reading, and Research Skills buttons at the left-hand side of the page.

Our Reading Practice Test download is 75 pages long when printed.

It includes a complete answer key.

Our practice tests will give you excellent prep for the exam because they are in the same format as the real Reading Test.

Preping yourself with practice tests will help you become acquainted with the format of the actual reading section.

This type of test prep will give you that extra advantage when you take your test.

Like the real test, our Practice Reading Test prep includes analysis and evaluation type questions, as well as reading comprehension and research skills questions.

Our prep tests also simulate the real test because our CBEST prep materials include reading passages, as well as information conveyed in graphs, charts, and diagrams.

Our Practice Reading Tests are a good test prep simulation because, like the actual exam, our prep materials contain questions that are at different levels of difficulty and our passages are drawn from a variety of academic disciplines and subjects.

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